Mass Production of Corcyra cephalonica
Devi, M.
Dept. of Agricultural Entomology, MIT College of Agriculture and Technology, Musiri, Mangalam, Tamil Nadu (621 211), India
Keywords: Corcyra, Trichogramma chilonis, Trichogramma evanescens, Trichogramma japonica
Among the various egg parasitoids that are known to exert considerable pressure on populations of insect pests, Trichogramma species are the most widely exploited and used for pest management across the world. There are 230 recorded species and the highest numbers of species have been described from the USA, India, Brazil, China, and Russia. Some of the important species that have been recorded from several insect eggs include Trichogramma minutum, Trichogramma evanescens, Trichogramma chilonis, Trichogramma pretiosum, and Trichogramma dendrolimi. At least four species have been recorded from over 50 host plant species: T. chilonis and T. pretiosum from 70 host plants each, T. minutum from 53 plants, and Trichogramma deion from 51 plants. Thus these are species that have been the most exploited for biological and integrated control of crop pests.
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