Mealybugs - An Invasive Consternation to Agricultural and Horticultural Crops
U. Pirithiraj
Anbil Dharmalingam Agricultural College and Research Institute, TNAU, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu (620 027), India
R. P. Soundararajan*
Horticultural College and Research Institute for Women, TNAU, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu (620 027), India
M. Chandrasekaran
Horticultural College and Research Institute for Women, TNAU, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu (620 027), India
Keywords: Crops, IPM package, Mealybugs, Pseudococcidae
Insect pests are major concern to agricultural and horticultural crop plants and cause significant yield reduction. Recently mealybugs emerging as an important insect pests, causes severe threat to crop cultivation and intricate to manage. Mealybugs are found almost in all the countries around the world causing severe damage to crop plants directly by sucking the sap and indirectly by transmitting the disease. Getting rid of this pest without having prior idea on their morphology, distribution and biology will be searching a ring in the ocean. Hence this paper deals and focused on mealybug species identification, distribution, host range, life cycle and mode of transport with the possible management strategies.
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CABI, 2021. Invasive Species Compendium. Detailed coverage of invasive species threatening livelihoods and the environment worldwide (Retrived on 07.03.2021). https://www.cabi.org/isc/datasheet/45078
Tanwar, R.K., Jeyakumar, P., Monga, D., 2007. Mealybugs and their management. National Centre for Integrated Pest Management, New Delhi, 110(12), 1-10.
Arif, M.K., Muhammad, A., Azhar, A.K., Muhammad, T.N., Shahid, M., 2018. Evaluation of potential RNA-interference-target genes to control cotton mealybug, Phenacoccus solenopsis (Hemiptera: Pseudococcuidae). Insect Science 25(5), 778-786. doi: 10.1111/1744-7917.12455.