Methods of Weed Control
P. P. Mahendran*
Department of Crop Management, Agriculture College and Research Institute, Kudumiyanmalai, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Tamil Nadu (622 104), India
M. Yuvaraj
Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Agricultural College and Research Institute, Vazhavachanur, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Tamil Nadu (606 753), India
Keywords: Chemical, Control, Mechanical, Weed
For designing any weed control programme in a given area, one must know the nature and habitat of the weeds in that area, how they react to environmental changes & how they respond to herbicides. Before selecting a method of weed control one, much have information on the number of viable seeds nature of dispersal of seeds, dormancy of seeds, longevity of buried seeds and ability to survive under adverse conditions, life span of the weed, soil textures moisture and in case of soil applied volatile herbicides, the herbicide will be successful only in sandy loam soil but not in clayey soil. Flooding as a method of weed control will be successful only in heavy soil and net in sandy soil the area to be controlled.
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