Micronutrient Malnutrition in Groundnut
C. Sudhalakshmi*
Coconut Research Station, Aliyar Nagar, Tamil Nadu (642 101), India
B. Meena
Coconut Research Station, Aliyar Nagar, Tamil Nadu (642 101), India
Keywords: Groundnut, Iron, Micronutrient, Zinc
Groundnut is an energy rich crop but grown under energy starved conditions on marginal lands and soils with poor fertility. Micronutrient stress in groundnut pulls down the productivity of crop to a great deal. Lime Induced Iron Chlorosis is commonly noticed in calcareous soils and soils of high pH which together affects the fodder value of haulms. Interveinal chlorosis, marginal necrosis, rosetting of leaves, pop seeds and ill filled pods are the common symptoms of micronutrient stress in groundnut. Soil application of micronutrient fertilizers in deficient soils and foliar sprays in the standing crop can alleviate micronutrient malnutrition in groundnut. Enrichment of soil with organic matter can help in avoiding fixation losses of micronutrients and aid in enhancing use efficiencies.
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