Minimum Legal Size: A Tool For Sustainable Fisheries Management
Suman Takar
Fisheries College and Research Institute, Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu (628 008), India
Udai Ram Gurjar*
ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Mumbai, Maharashtra (400 061), India
Keywords: Exploitation, Recruitment overfishing, Spawning stock, Sustainable
In the fisheries sector,the exploitation of juvenile fish became rampant and started affecting the global fish landing. A huge amount of juvenile fishes are brought to the landing center since many fishing vessels do not use the net with the proper mesh size. Minimum legal size (MLS) sets the smallest size at which a particular species of fish can be validly retained if caught. MLS is an important tool to protect juvenile fish, governor the sizes of fish caught and sustain spawning stocks for future generations.
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CMFRI, 2014. Minimum Legal Sizes fixed for 58 commercial marine fish species. Cadalmin, CMFRI Newsletter. 27.
FAO, 2018. The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2018. Meeting the sustainable development goals, Rome. 210.
Suja, N. and Mohamed, K.S., 2014. Use of minimum legal size in managing black clam (Villorita cyprinoides) fishery in India. International Journal of Aquatic Biology, 1(6), 306-315.