Multicut 10 Cent Fodder Production for Addressing Fodder Shortage in Small and Marginal Farmer
R. Thangadurai*
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Papparapatty, Dharmapuri, Tamil Nadu (636 809), India
S. Monisha
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Papparapatty, Dharmapuri, Tamil Nadu (636 809), India
S. Rengaraj
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Papparapatty, Dharmapuri, Tamil Nadu (636 809), India
S. Jeevanandhan
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Papparapatty, Dharmapuri, Tamil Nadu (636 809), India
C. Sivakumar
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Papparapatty, Dharmapuri, Tamil Nadu (636 809), India
Keywords: 10 cent, Fodder production, Marginal farmer, Multicut
Fodder crops play a vital role in agriculture since continuous supply of nutritious green fodder in sufficient quantity is basic requirement for livestock to cater milk production and also to maintain the health of the livestock. Bridge the huge gap between fodder availability and demand, especially for small and marginal farmer who maintain less numbers of cows and small ruminants. It is necessary to ensure initiation of strategies at grass root level for sustainable green fodder production even during summer period. 10 cent fodder model is one viable option available, once established small and marginal farmer can either maintain two cows or 8 small ruminents for uninterrupted supply of required green fodder to the animals round the year.
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