Neera: A Nutritious Health Drink
V. Sivakumar*
Coconut Research Station, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Aliyarnagar, Tamil Nadu (642 101), India
R. Sudha
Division of Crop Improvement, ICAR-CPCRI, Kasaragod, Kerala (671 124), India
V. Niral
Division of Crop Improvement, ICAR-CPCRI, Kasaragod, Kerala (671 124), India
Keywords: Coconut, Health Drink, Neera, Product diversification
Coconut palm is one of the economically important palms in the world and owing to its multipurpose nature; it can contribute in many ways for the sustainability of farming communities. At present coconut inflorescence sap, as a health drink, has tremendous market potential in India as well as in other countries. Hence if promoted, it has tremendous market potential as a natural health drink and also as a raw material for different value-added coconut products like syrup, sugar, honey, etc., and this ensures the profitability of coconut cultivation and contribute to the sustenance and well-being of coconut communities.
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