Notes on Economically Important White Grub Species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) of India
Kolla Sreedevi*
Division of Germplasm Collection and Characterization, ICAR-National Bureau of Agricultural Insect Resources, H.A. Farm Post, Hebbal, Bellary Road, Bengaluru - 560 024, Karnataka, INDIA
Keywords: Distribution, Predominant species, Root grubs, Scarabaeidae
White grubs are the pests of economically important crops like sugarcane, groundnut, potato, arecanut, etc. and are distributed widely across the country. Studies have been taken up to document the predominant white grub species in major cropped area and their distribution in different regions of the country. The five years study revealed high species diversity of white grubs with varied distribution. This paper presents major 30 predominant species documented in various crops across different states.
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