Novel Bacteriophage Therapy against Bacterial Pathogen in Fish
S. Saravanan*
Dept. of Aquatic Animal Health Management, Dr. M. G. R Fisheries College and Research Institute (Tamil Nadu Dr. J. Jayalalithaa Fisheries University), Ponneri, Tamil Nadu (601 204), India
A. Uma
Dept. of Aquatic Animal Health Management, Dr. M. G. R Fisheries College and Research Institute (Tamil Nadu Dr. J. Jayalalithaa Fisheries University), Ponneri, Tamil Nadu (601 204), India
D. Kaviarasu
Dept. of Aquatic Animal Health Management, Dr. M. G. R Fisheries College and Research Institute (Tamil Nadu Dr. J. Jayalalithaa Fisheries University), Ponneri, Tamil Nadu (601 204), India
A. Gopalakannan
Dept. of Aquatic Animal Health Management, Dr. M. G. R Fisheries College and Research Institute (Tamil Nadu Dr. J. Jayalalithaa Fisheries University), Ponneri, Tamil Nadu (601 204), India
Keywords: Bacteriophage therapy, Bacterial pathogen, Biocontrol agents, Fish disease
Cultured fishes are constantly threatened by microbial infections because of various stress conditions resulting into occurrence of infectious diseases. Broad-spectrum antibiotics are commonly used against these bacterial infections. Due to the excessive use of antibiotics, several bacteria have developed resistance against pathogen. Many advanced methods are being developed to overcome this problem, wherein bacteriophages are bacteria-eating viruses have more sensitivity, specificity, host range and efficacy than antibiotics and are now being used as an antibiotic replacer in different food items, guarding pregnancy, treating surgical wounds and protecting aquaculture. Bacteriophages are currently being synthesized and commercialized in all three form which includes, solid, liquid, gas forms. The recent advancements and applications of bacteriophage therapy in eliminating bacterial infections, especially in the food and aquaculture industry and due to its increased therapeutic applications, considered to be a strong candidate to prove its true potential to treat pathogenic microorganism.
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