Optimization of Solvents for the Extraction and Methods for Quantification of Vitamin E from Soymeal
Navita Bansal
Division of Biochemistry, IARI, New Delhi-110012, INDIA
Rama Prashat, G.
Division of Genetics, IARI, New Delhi-110012, INDIA
Vanchinathan S.
Division of Genetics, IARI, New Delhi-110012, INDIA
Vinutha T.
Division of Biochemistry, IARI, New Delhi-110012, INDIA
Shelly Praveen*
Division of Biochemistry, IARI, New Delhi-110012, INDIA
Keywords: Ammonium Phosphor Molybdate (APM) methods, Bathophenanthroline, Soymeal, Vitamin E
Extraction of vitamin E from soymeal (the product obtained after oil extraction) was carried out using six different solvents viz., Methanol, n-hexane, 2-Methyltetrahydrofuran, Methanol:n-hexane:2-MeTHF (80:10:10), 0.1 N H2SO4 followed by ethanol extraction and Petroleum ether: ethanol (2:1.6) and two spectrophotometric methods: Bathophenanthroline and Ammonium Phosphor Molybdate (APM) methods. The results showed significantly higher yield of Vit-E (7.5 gm/100gm) with a recovery percentage of 83.3% when extracted using 0.1N sulfuric acid treatment followed by ethanol. These values were further validated by HPLC quantification. Whereas bathophenanthroline method was found more suitable method to quantify Vit-E extracted from oil samples using non polar solvents (data not shown). Thus, our study helps to select the suitable solvents for the extraction of Vit-E and the selection of solvents depends on the type of the sample (oil or powder form). Further our study also revealed that, methods for the estimation of Vit-E should be carefully selected as the extraction of Vit-E is related to the type of solvents (polar and non-polar) used.
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