Participatory Seed Production of Maize in Ri-Bhoi District, Meghalaya: A Success Story
Amit Kumar*
Plant Breeding Section, Crop Science Division, ICAR-RC NEH Region, Umiam, Meghalaya (793 103), India
Nivedita Shettigar
Plant Breeding Section, Crop Science Division, ICAR-RC NEH Region, Umiam, Meghalaya (793 103), India
Philanim W.S.
Plant Breeding Section, Crop Science Division, ICAR-RC NEH Region, Umiam, Meghalaya (793 103), India
Subhash Babu
Division of Agronomy, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, Delhi (110 012), India
Keywords: Benefit cost ratio, Maize, Participatory seed production, Productivity
In North East India, Maize is the second most important crop after rice and plays a significant role in consumption, fodder and feed supply. The productivity of maize in the state is quite lower than the national average of maize productivity (2.965 kg ha-1). In Meghalaya, Maize is grown in 29,568 ha land with production of 69,156 MT and productivity of 2,339 Kg ha-1. Growing the low yielding traditional local varieties is one among the reasons for low productivity. In this way introduction of an open pollinated composite maize variety with high yield potential will be quite effective in Meghalaya.
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