Performance of Sesamum in Udalguri District of Assam
Ipsita Ojah*
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Udalguri, Assam Agricultural University, Lalpool, Udalguri, Assam (784 514), India
Himadri Rabha
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Udalguri, Assam Agricultural University, Lalpool, Udalguri, Assam (784 514), India
Bhaskar Baruah
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Udalguri, Assam Agricultural University, Lalpool, Udalguri, Assam (784 514), India
Debasish Borah
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Udalguri, Assam Agricultural University, Lalpool, Udalguri, Assam (784 514), India
Keywords: Cluster basis, Oilseed crop, Scientific cultivation, Sesamum indicum
A demonstration was conducted on scientific cultivation practices of Sesamum on Cluster basis in 4 villages of Udalguri district, Assam, India viz. Jungle Borigaon, Nalkhamara, Habigaon and Majbat during 2020-21. The crop was sown in lines and fertilizers were applied in the form of N: P2O5: K2O @ 30:20:20 kg/ha. Weeding was done manually at 20 DAS. The results revealed an increase in grain yield by 47.5% over the local practices (i.e. 6.05 q/ha for demonstration). A net return of Rs. 23,350.00 /ha was recorded in the demonstration plots, which was found to be higher than the local practices (net return Rs. 14,350.00 /ha). The B:C ratio was also found to be higher in the improved practices (1.93) over the local practices (1.77). Hence, it can be concluded that the use of improved cultivation practices in sesamum not only increases yield but also net return or profit of the farmer.
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Debnath, P., Singh, R., Feroze, S.M., Sarkar, A., 2015. Study on Growth and Instability of Sesame in North-Eastern Hill Region of India. Economic Affairs, 193-196.
Package of Practices for Kharif Crops of Assam, 2019. Assam Agricultural University and Dept. of Agriculture, Assam, pp. 52-53.