Pests of Brinjal and Their Management
A. Subash Chandra Bose*
S. Thangapazham Agriculture College, Vasudevanallur, Tamil Nadu (627 760), India
I. Rabeena
Agricultural College and Research Institute, TNAU, Madurai, Tamil Nadu (641 003), India
T. Sathyan
Dept. of Agricultural Entomology, TNAU, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu (641 003), India
Keywords: Brinjal, Eggplant, Insect pests, IPM
Brinjal, proudly referred as the “King of vegetables” extensively grown in India. Several insect pests, viz. fruit and shoot borer, spotted leaf beetle / Hadda beetle, ash weevil, bud worm, whitefly, green leafhopper, brown leafhopper, mealybug, thrips, lacewing bug and red spider mite are found to cause considerable yield loss in brinjal from different parts of the world. These pests can be well efficiently managed by advocating several integrated pest management strategies including, cultural, physical, mechanical, bio-control agents, bio-pesticides and chemical methods.
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Singh, S. 2019. Efficacy and economics of pest management molecules against brinjal shoot and fruit borer. Annals of Plant Protection Sciences. 27(3): 320-323.
Sumathi, E., R. Manimaran and M. Ilamaran 2018. Impact of integrated pest management strategies for shoot and fruit borer in brinjal. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 6(2): 266-269.