Plant Disease Responses to Climate Change
Jai P. Rai*
Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, RG South Campus, Barkachha, Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh (231 001), India
Keywords: Agriculture, Climate change, Crop losses, Pathogens, Plant diseases
Environmental shift is a growing concern for communities related to agriculture across the world. The present paper looks into the impacts of shifts in climate on plant diseases. The three major constituents of any crop disease are the host (the plant) the pathogen inciting the disease, and the environmental factors. All these three elements are greatly affected by changes in climate that can lead to a surge in the occurrence and intensity of crop diseases. The paper highlights that escalating temperatures, changed patterns of rainfall and intense weather events can all create conditions that favour the growth and spread of phytopathogens. This can lead to substantial yield losses for farmers and put global food security at risk. The paper also discusses the economic consequences of crop diseases, noting that phytopathogens and insect pests are assessed to cause nearly US$ 220 billion in annual losses.
The author argues that a better understanding of how climate shifts affect the connection and correlation between pathogens, crop plants and the environment is necessary to develop strategies for mitigating crop disease risks. He calls for research into the molecular, epidemiological and ecological interactions between these factors. This research can inform the development of climate-durable farming procedures that can assist in ensuring food surety in a fluctuating climate.
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