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Rai, J.P., 2021. Plant viruses and human health: An assessment of risks and impacts. Innovative Farming 6(2), 75-86.



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HOME / ARCHIVES / Vol. 6 No. 2 : April-June (2021) / Review Articles

Plant Viruses and Human Health: An Assessment of Risks and Impacts

Jai P. Rai*

Mycology and Plant Pathology (BHU-KVK), Institute of Agricultural Sciences, BHU, Rajiv Gandhi South Campus, Barkachha, Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh (231 001), India


Keywords: Animal virus, Human pathogen, Pathogenicity, Plant viruses, Virus, Virus specificity


Plant viruses are ubiquitous in nature, and humans and animals are often exposed to them in different ways. Some plant viruses show high persistence, but these viruses are currently thought to be immuno-restrictive, and plant and animal viruses have distinct limitations in terms of host specificity and disease. Therefore, plant viruses are not considered pathogens to vertebrates, including humans. However, many studies have shown the ability of plant viruses to circulate and replicate in insect populations, raising an important question: Can plant viruses cross kingdom boundaries? Do they harm human health? Although structural and functional similarities between some plant and animal viruses are well-documented, cross-border infections remain a problem. The current literature suggests the need for comprehensive, large-scale studies of interactions between plant and animal viruses, especially humans, to assess their potential for disease. The aim of this review is to examine the current understanding of the biology of plant viruses and their impact on human and animal health, and to highlight areas for further research.


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