Precision Farming: The Bright Future for Indian Agriculture
Hemadri Bag*
Department of Agrometeorology, School of Agriculture, GIET University, Gunupur, Rayagada, Odisha (765022), India
Dilip Kumar Chaurasiya
Department of Plant Pathology,Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural university, Pusa, Samastipur, Bihar (848125), India
Keywords: Precision, Geographic, Climate, Remote sensing.
The estimate shows that by 2030 we need 345 MT food grain, 50 MT oilseeds and horticultural crop production 350 MT besides fish 15 MT, meat 200 MT and egg 100 billion and the rise must combat weather variability and climate variability. Using modern information technology is one of the best ways to meet these entire requirements in this era. 4R (Right time, Right place, right quantity and Right method) are the basics of precision agriculture or site specific crop management. Precision agriculture approach is required to ensure that the requisite resources for crop growth are available and crop protection needs are met without deficiency or excess at each point in time during the growing season. In addition to mechanisation various tools and techniques are used in precision farming i.e. Geographic Information System (GIS), Global positioning System (GPS), Remote sensing, Variable Rate Technology (VRT) etc.
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