Rainwater Harvesting Approaches
Balaji Kannan
Water Technology Centre, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu (641 003), India
G. Thiyagarajan*
Water Technology Centre, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu (641 003), India
A. Raviraj
Water Technology Centre, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu (641 003), India
S. Panneerselvam
Water Technology Centre, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu (641 003), India
Keywords: Farm Pond, Ground water recharge, Rainwater harvesting, Tied ridge
Water is one of the most treasured resources which are of paramount importance to biotic environment. Rainfall occupies the lion’s share of water source and it has significantly declined over past few years due to drastic changes in the weather pattern. Rainfall pattern and occurrence has become totally unpredictable. In this scenario, it has become a bounden duty to conserve the water at the instant of reach and to store / harvest the water for future use. Depending upon the utilization of harvesting water, the structure has to be designed. Factors like, annual average rainfall, soil properties and cultivation practices, should be considered before constructing a structure. The construction of structure should be at the place of utilization and versatile. The harvested water can be later utilized for the agricultural, domestic and industrial purpose depending on the quality and quantity of water.
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