Red Seaweed (Gracilaria corticata): Nutritional Properties and Its Importance
Nidhi Dhansukhbhai Patel*
Dept. of Fish Processing Technology, College of Fisheries Science, Kamdhenu University, Veraval, Gujarat (362 265), India
Keywords: Gracilaria corticata, Nutrition, Seaweed, Value addition
Seaweeds or marine macroalgae are known food crop as they are rich source of health-promoting compounds. Seaweeds have been used since ancient time, but now-a-days seaweeds are also being used as raw material source for various industrial productions such as, carrageenan, algin and agar. Edible seaweeds are highly nutritious as they provide us with sources of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Red seaweed Gracilaria corticata is also one such seaweed species. Several red seaweed species are found near the coast of India, with Gracilaria corticata being one of the predominant. These seaweeds are valuable as both fresh and dried form. The species is found in abundance and can help in maintaining health status of people due to its nutritive and therapeutical properties. Further value addition of this species can be easily done as it has been used as for human consumption in many countries.
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