Renewing Garden using Fish Amino Acid Liquid Fertilizer
M. Mohamed Faizullah*
Dr. MGR Fisheries College and Research Institute, Thalaianayeru, Tamil Nadu (614 712), India
S. Santhoshkumar
Dr. MGR Fisheries College and Research Institute, Thalaianayeru, Tamil Nadu (614 712), India
V. Vijayarahavan
Dr. MGR Fisheries College and Research Institute, Thalaianayeru, Tamil Nadu (614 712), India
Keywords: Fish amino acid, Gardening plants, Immunity, Liquid organic fertilizer
'Fish amino acid' is an organic compound used by many gardeners today to increase the plants’ immunity and get more results. Fish pieces and jaggery are the two main ingredients to prepare fish amino acids and both the ingredients are mixed with a ratio of 1:1. The amino acid liquid derived from low-cost fish is used as an organic fertilizer to fertile the soil based on the richness of nitrogen components for the better growth of the gardening plants. It’s used for all kinds of vegetables and flower plants. The fish extract helps us give green manure most naturally.
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