Role of Coloured Shade Netting in Horticulture
M. Kavitha*
Controllerate of Examinations, TNAU, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu (641 003), India
S. Padmapriya
Controllerate of Examinations, TNAU, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu (641 003), India
Keywords: Advantages, Horticulture, Protected cultivation, Shade net
Globally climate change is the challenging issue, which is mainly caused due to unsustainable use of fossil fuels, forest degradation for industrialization and rapid urbanization with an over population. It also threatens the livelihood of the growing population. To sustain with the changing climate, adaptation of new technologies plays an important role in bringing tremendous change in improvement of production per unit area. Protected cultivation is one of the promising fields having wide scope in fetching higher yield per unit area. Protected cultivation is crops grown under controlled environment such as temperature, humidity, light, and others, which is regulated as per the crop’s growth need. Based on the crop requirement the environment can be controlled fully, partially or modified to protect the crop from adverse weather. It also protects the crop from rain, wind, high temperature thereby improves the quality and yield of the crop.
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