Role of Humic Substances on Plant Nutrition
Niladri Paul*
College of Agriculture, Tripura, Lembucherra, West Tripura, Tripura (799 210), India
Ashim Datta
Division of Soil and Crop Management, Central Soil Salinity Research Institute (CSSRI), Karnal, Haryana (132 001), India
Keywords: Hormone, Humic substances, Metabolism, Nitrate, Plant growth, Plasmalemma
The scientific community is rigorously examining the multifaceted influence of humic substances on plant metabolic processes and growth physiology. Contemporary research underscores that the efficacy of these substances is modulated by variables including fractionation, source, concentration and molecular weight. Notably, low molecular weight fractions exhibit a superior capacity to traverse the plasmalemma of plant cells, thereby facilitating direct absorption, whereas higher molecular weight fractions predominantly engage with the cell wall. Humic substances are recognized for their ability to augment nutrient assimilation, particularly nitrates; however, their roles in intermediary metabolic pathways, such as respiration and photosynthesis, are not yet comprehensively elucidated. The hormone-mimetic properties of humic substances may stem from their intrinsic chemical configurations or from the presence of hormones of microbial origin within their composition. Collectively, humic substances recurrently demonstrate advantageous effects on plant cellular growth and developmental processes.
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