Role of Termite Mounds on Agriculture
D. Janaki*
Agricultural College & Research Institute, Kudumiyanmalai, Tamil Nadu (622 104), India
P. Gunavathi
Agricultural College & Research Institute, Kudumiyanmalai, Tamil Nadu (622 104), India
M.P. Hemavarshini
Agricultural College & Research Institute, Kudumiyanmalai, Tamil Nadu (622 104), India
Keywords: Biocontrol, Biofertilizer, Microbes, Termitaria
In tropical and subtropical soils, termites are important bioturbators and are regarded as soil engineers. Termites typically consume dead plant matter in the form of wood, leaf litter, soil, or animal excrement. 2,600 taxonomically known species out of an estimated 4,000 are thought to be around 10% of the economically significant pests that can seriously harm structures in plantation woods, buildings or agricultural crops. The termite mound plays a major role in nutrient cycling, acts as a biofertilizer inoculum, as a source of biocontrol agents, as an antimicrobial for disease production and as a soil amendment for soil fertility. It plays a major role in nutrient cycling and availability. Microbes isolated from termitaria have a synergistic effect on ectomycorrhizhal symbiosis and Pseudomonas bacteria. The fungi, bacteria and actinomycetes from termitaria showed a selective allelopathic effect on crops. Termite mound soil contains nutrients that are essential for crop growth and development. The several other forms of benefits obtained from termitaria soil are eco-friendly and environmentally sustainable as well.
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