Role of Zinc in Plants - Deficiency and Corrective Measures
N. Sainath*
Agricultural Research Station (PJTSAU), Tornala, Siddipet, Telangana (502 114), India
S. Sridevi
Agricultural Research Station (PJTSAU), Tornala, Siddipet, Telangana (502 114), India
A. Saritha
Agricultural Research Station (PJTSAU), Tornala, Siddipet, Telangana (502 114), India
D. Swetha
Agricultural Research Station (PJTSAU), Tornala, Siddipet, Telangana (502 114), India
E. Umarani
Agricultural Research Station (PJTSAU), Tornala, Siddipet, Telangana (502 114), India
A. Sathish
Agricultural Research Station (PJTSAU), Tornala, Siddipet, Telangana (502 114), India
Keywords: Corrective measures, Deficiency, Micronutrient, Zinc
Zinc is the micronutrient involved in metabolism of auxins like tryptophan synthesis and has particular physiological functions in all living systems. Inadequate supply of zinc reduces crop production. Zinc has main role in enzyme activation, synthesis of proteins, and carbohydrate metabolism. Performance and quality of crop can be improved by utilizing fertilizer containing zinc and other micronutrients. Deficiency of zinc causes decline in plant photosynthesis and destroy RNA, amount of solution carbohydrates and synthesis of protein and thereby quality and performance of crop will be decreased.
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