Scope And Importance of Vertical Garden in India
P. R. Kamalkumaran*
Horticultural Research Station, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Yercaud-636602, Tamil Nadu, India
M. Anand
Horticultural Research Station, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Yercaud-636602, Tamil Nadu, India
S. Nanthakumar
Horticultural Research Station, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Yercaud-636602, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Vertical garden,Sustainable,Vegetable production,Nutritional security.
Vegetables are the cheapest source of protective foods contributing carbohydrates, vitamins and mineral salts in the human diet.The population increases are causing our farmers to run out of land.Here is the need to produce more vegetables in a limited area is the trend to make sustainability, in this continuation the vegetable were started to cultivating in the vertical/terrace / roof / kitchen garden etc., among all the newer systems of vegetable cultivation vertical garden is one of the important and potent for sustainable vegetable production in the urban areas to mitigate the per capita availability. The construction of vertical gardens is recommended both in interiors and especially in the exterior of buildings. By applying these technologies, any kind of area can be used at its maximum capacity, obtaining esthetic valences, benefic for environment and human health.
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USCB (United States Census Bureau). 2016. U.S. Census Bureau, International Database. 15September.http://www.census.gov/population/international/data/idb/informationGateway.php.