Shifting Cultivation in Tripura
Gayatri Deb*
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Dhalai, Tripura (799 278), India
Bichitra Debbarma
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Dhalai, Tripura (799 278), India
Pradip Kumar Das
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Dhalai, Tripura (799 278), India
Soma Deb
Palli Siksha Bhavana, Visva-Bharati, West Bengal (731 204), India
Keywords: Livelihood, Shifting cultivation, Soil health, Tripura
As millions of indigenous people are dependent on shifting cultivation practice, with majority households for subsistence living. In Tripura more than 10 percent of tribal families are dependent on Jhum cultivation for their livelihood. Jhum cultivation practice have some positive and negative effect. In jhum cultivation, Burning and slashing method is followed to control of weeds, soil-borne pathogens and other diseases of crops in those areas.
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Sati, V.P., Rinawma, P., 2014. Practices of Shifting Cultivation and its Implications in Mizoram, North-East India: A Review of Existing Research. Nature and Environment 19(2), 179-187.
Tripathi, R.S., Barik, S.K., 2003. Shifting Cultivation in North East India. In: Approach for Increasing Agricultural Productivity in Hill and Mountain Ecosystem. (Eds.) Bhat, B.P., Bujarbaruah, K.M., Sharma, Y.P. and Patiram. ICAR.