Small Signaling Molecules (SSMs) as an Important Mediator to Establish Beneficial Bacterial-Fungal Interaction in Agricultural Environment
Debanjana Debnath
Faculty of Agriculture, Sri Sri University, Cuttack, Odisha (754 006), India
Rini Labanya*
Faculty of Agriculture, Sri Sri University, Cuttack, Odisha (754 006), India
Keywords: Communication, Microorganism, Molecule, Signal
Microorganisms share common environment through close connection in nature, and build up a social environment between them that impact their growth and development in synergistic and/or antagonistic way. These interactions are generally regulated by the small signaling molecules (SSMs), which actually act as a driven factor ensuring the abundance of both the kingdoms in a common environment. In this article we will discuss about the perception, interaction, responses and mode of action of these biochemical compounds in agricultural environment.
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