Socio-Economic Profile of Chawki Rearing Centers Owned Farmers in Tamil Nadu, India
Manickavasagam Mithilasri*
Centre for Climate Change and Disaster Management (CCC&DM), Anna University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu (600 025), India
K. Uma
Dept. of Agriculture Business Management, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu (641 003), India
Shankar S.M.
Dept. of Physics, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy, Tamil Nadu (621 215), India
Keywords: Chawki Rearing Centers (CRCs), Farmers, Sericulture, Socio-economic status, Tamil Nadu
Sericulture play an important role in economy especially sericulture industry includes huge labour intensive activities and women friendly industry and it generate huge employment opportunity and more income generate to farmers. The current study investigates the socio-economic profile of Chawki Rearing Centers (CRCs) owned sericulture farmers of Tamil Nadu. The research conducted across ten districts in Tamil Nadu and involved 45 farmers classified into small, medium and large farm categories based on landholding size. Data collected through personal interviews using a pre-tested interview schedule and analyzed using statistical tools such as frequencies, percentages and means. The study evaluated factors such as age, education, gender, family composition, farm experience and income. The current findings shown that the most of the CRC farmers are middle-aged, educated up to high school level and rely on family labor for sericulture operations. Chawki rearing contributes significantly to farmers' annual income, with the majority involved in allied activities to supplement farm earnings.
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