Socio-Economic Upliftment of Rural Women through Backyard Poultry Rearing by using Giriraja Birds
P. Chitra
Dept. of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Agricultural College & Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu (641 003), India
Keywords: Backyard poultry rearing, Desi chicken, Egg production, Giriraja chicken
A field level study was undertaken to evaluate efficiency of production performance of Giriraja and Desi birds in 25 farmers each 20 birds under backyard system of rearing in Salem district of Tamil Nadu state with respect to live weight at five months, age at first egg laying, annual egg production, fertility and hatchability percentage. The average live weight of Giriraja birds at 5 months was 2.250 kg which was higher than that of Desi birds (1.350 kg). Age at first egg laying 156 days in Girirja birds whereas the age at first egg laying in Desi birds was 171 days The annual egg production was 192 eggs in Giriraja and 86 eggs in Desi birds. Moreover, the average weight of chicks of Giriraja and Desi birds at day old age observed was 43 g and 38 g respectively. Performance of Giriraja under backyard system of rearing was found satisfactory and the birds are well adapted to local agro-climatic condition.
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