Soil Moisture Sensors
A. Selvaperumal
Agricultural Engineering College and Research Institute, TNAU, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu (641 003), India
G. Thiyagarajan*
Forest College and Research Institute, TNAU, Mettupalayam, Tamil Nadu (641 301), India
M. Angaleeswari
Agricultural Engineering College and Research Institute, TNAU, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu (641 003), India
A. Bharathi Sankar
School of Electronics Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai, Tamil Nadu (600 127), India
Keywords: Neutron Probe, Sensors, Soil moisture, Tensiometer
The efficient irrigation management practices based on the monitoring of the moisture in the soil provide a great benefit for the appropriate amount of water applied in the fields. This article presents the various soil moisture sensors and its advantages and limitations. Soil moisture sensor as the name indicates is used to determine the moisture present in the soil. Based on the reading of moisture sensor, irrigation is done. Soil moisture sensor will increase crop yield, improve quality of crops, conserve water resources, save energy and decrease fertilizers supplies.
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