Solar Photovoltaic Pumping Systems Site Selection Using Remote Sensing and GIS
Mukesh Kumar Mehla
Department of Soil and Water Engineering, College of Technology and Engineering, MPUAT, Udaipur, Rajasthan (313 001), India
Keywords: Solar Photovoltaic Pumping Systems, Solar Pumping, Site suitability, Remote Sensing and GIS
The solar photovoltaic pumping system utilizes the solar energy to pump water. Efforts are being made to incorporate renewable energy sources in agriculture sector especially for irrigation to provide sustainable energy source which is freely available and ecofriendly with advantage that it can be utilized at off grid and remote locations. One of the most important aspects for achieving such ambitious plans is to identify the promising locations to develop such systems to reap maximum benefits. This is where remote sensing and GIS comes into play these tools can be used for large scale analysis for selection of suitable sites based on factors like local climate, soil, topography, availability of solar radiation, vacant land with open cover free area, groundwater, distance from highways and existing transmission lines etc. Then a number of maps are generated and over laid by using GIS software to find suitable locations for SPV systems based on criteria.
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