Solid Waste and Management
Aswathy S. Nair*
State Emergency Operation Centre, Kerala State Disaster Management Authority, Kerala (695 033), India
Vaiznavi B.
Dept. of Agricultural Biotechnology, TIAC, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu (627 001), India
Durga C.
Dept. of Agronomy, Kerala Agriculture University, Vellanikkara, Thrissur, Kerala (680 656), India
Keywords: 3R’s, Compost, Pyrolysis, Solid waste management
Waste generation is at alarming rate and is one of the most discussing topics around the world. The waste material in environment reduces the quality of surroundings. Solid waste is any unwanted or discarded material that is not liquid or gas. Solid waste is broadly classified into industrial solid waste and municipal solid waste. The fastest growing solid waste problem in world is e-waste. Waste management involves integrated waste management technique where variety of strategies for both waste reduction and management is involved. The 3R’s resource use is widely used for waste management. The 3R’s includes Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Landfills, pyrolysis and compost are the common methods to handle waste. Reduction of waste generation and proper handling of generated waste is the need of today’s era.
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Amit Kumar, Maria Holusko, Denise Crocce, Romano Espinosa, 2017. E-Waste – An overview on generation, collection, legislation and recycling practices. Resources, Conservation and Recycling practices 122, 32-42.
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