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Jana, B.R., 2022. Strategies to enhance the production of water chestnut (Trapa natans L.) in India. Biotica Research Today 4(6), 398-402.



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HOME / ARCHIVES / Vol. 4 No. 6 : June (2022) / Popular Article

Strategies to Enhance the Production of Water Chestnut (Trapa natans L.) in India

B.R. Jana

ICAR-RCER, Research Centre for Makhana, Darbhanga, Bihar (846 005), India


Keywords: Agronomic management, Improved variety, Water chestnut, Yield


Water chestnut (Trapa spp. L) is a very attractive cash crop grown in India during the rainy and autumn season. After transplantation fruiting and harvesting is done within 4-5 months. Adaptation of new high yielding varieties and current management practices could earn almost double income as that of earlier practices. Soil must be well pulverized with a rotavator followed by application of castor and karanj cake [1.0-1.5 t (50:50) ha-1]. Plant spacing is generally 3.0 m × 3.0 m and approximately 1,100 plant population ha-1 during August resulted in more production (10-12.0 t ha-1) in north Bihar condition. The application of inorganic fertilizer N:P:K @ 60:40:40 kg ha-1 is recommended for the maximum benefit. Introduction of Improved Green Spineless and Improved Red Spineless variety and maintenance of water level (0.5 m) up to December were found to be promising for enhanced yield.


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