Sub-Lethal Effects of Bt-Cry Proteins on Lepidopteran Pests and Impact on Agroecosystem
Reddi Gowrisankar*
Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi (110 012), India
Anusha Bodapati
Acharya NG Ranga Agricultural University, Bapatla andhra Pradesh (522 101), India
Surekha Dasari
Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi (110 012), India
Keywords: Bacillus thuringiensis, Biopesticide, Resistance, Transgenic
One of the most efficient methods of biological control against pest lepidopterans is the bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis, which can be used as a bio-insecticide (or) in transgenic plants. To understand the pest population and how biotic and abiotic factors interact with one another better, one must take into account how these toxins affect the target organism sub lethally. The toxicity of Cry proteins in Bt are best known for their poisonous action in lepidopterans. When individuals or populations are exposed to a toxic substance in a lethal or sublethal dose or concentration but survive, biochemical, physiological, demographic, or behavioural effects are sublethal effects. Lepidoptera are susceptible to sublethal effects at every stage of life. Many studies have done on the sublethal effects of Cry proteins on lepidopteran pests, with the majority focusing on how they affect insect development. The mechanisms of toxin tolerance and aspects of resistance evolution have also been briefly studied.
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