Sugarcane Borers: A major threat to sugarcane production in India and their management
Ingle Dipak Shyamrao*
Department of Entomology, Agriculture College, Garhwa, Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi (822 114) Jharkhand, India
Anil Kumar
Sugarcane Research Institute, Department of Entomology Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University, Pusa, Samastipur (848 125), Bihar, India
Keywords: Borers, sugarcane, pest management
Sugarcane can be cultivated under diverse agro climatic conditions. It is a long duration crop and requires 10 to 18 months to mature depending upon the geographical conditions. Sugarcane yield is markedly influenced by many factors, among them insect pests are known to inflict considerable loss to be approx. 20 per cent in cane yield and 15 per cent in sugar. At the above fact, the management of sugarcane has become a challenging task because of reasons like faster multiplication of pest, quick spread on large area within a short span of time, difficulty in application of insecticides especially spray and dust formulations during later stage of crop growth. Considering all these constraints it is very necessary to undertake timely management practices with an integrated approach by utilizing an economically viable, eco-friendly and amenable management strategies to combat the pest population of sugarcane.
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Anonymous. 2018. India Sugar annual. Directorate of Economic and Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture, pp. 9.
Kumbhar C. R., Rai, A. K. and Ingle, D. S. 2019a. Screening of Early Maturing Varieties of Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) Against Different Borer Pests. International Journal of Pure and Applied Bioscience, 6(1): 1429-1433.
Kumbhar, C. R., Rai, A. K. and Ingle, D. S. 2019b. Screening of Mid Late maturing Varieties/Germplasms of Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) against different borer pests. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 7(2): 210-212.