Synthetic Seed Production Technology
A. Sankari*
Department of Vegetable Science, HC & RI, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu (641003), India
R. Swarna Priya
Department of Vegetable Science, HC & RI, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu (641003), India
B. K. Savitha
Department of Vegetable Science, HC & RI, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu (641003), India
Keywords: Horticultural crops, Limitations and Advantages, Methods, Synthetic seed
Synthetic seeds are defined as artificially encapsulated somatic embryos, shoot buds, cell aggregates, or any other tissue that can be used for sowing as a seed and that possess the ability to convert into a plant under in vitro or ex vitro conditions and that retain this potential also after storage. The technology designed to combine the advantages of clonal propagation with those of seed propagation and storage. Also be as channel for new plant lines produced through biotechnology advances. The importance of synthetic seed is realized nowadays and this paper discuss about the synthetic seed production technology.
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