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Sidhdharth, G., Vijayalatha, K.R., Nivethaa, P.J., 2023. Techniques of vegetable production for sodicity. Biotica Research Today 5(7), 486-488.



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HOME / ARCHIVES / Vol. 5 No. 7 : July (2023) / Popular Article

Techniques of Vegetable Production for Sodicity

G. Sidhdharth*

Dept. of Vegetable Science, Horticultural College and Research Institute for Women,
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu (620 027), India

K.R. Vijayalatha

Dept. of Vegetable Science, Horticultural College and Research Institute for Women,
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu (620 027), India

P.J. Nivethaa

Dept. of Vegetable Science, Horticultural College and Research Institute for Women,
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu (620 027), India


Keywords: Clay, Productivity, Sodic soil, Sodium


Sodic soil is one of the foremost reasons that lead to hindering crop productivity. Soil productivity is more adversely affected due to sodic soil which leads to more root diseases, restricted root development and poor ventilation. Plant growth has a negative effect on exchangeable sodium that is present in soil. Saline soil contains ample dissolved salt that can deplete the fertility of soil. Clay particle’s negative charge absorbs excess sodium under natural conditions and lead to weakening of force holding together the clay particles. Dense layers and block pores are formed in the clay particles when it gets dried. Air and water flow restrictions weaken the aggregation, which leads to structural collapse of the soil.


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