Tuber cropsin ensuring nutritional security among the rural population
Horticultural Research Station, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Yercaud-636602, Tamil Nadu, India
M. Anand
Horticultural Research Station, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Yercaud-636602, Tamil Nadu, India
S. Nanthakumar
Horticultural Research Station, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Yercaud-636602, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Tuber, Root crops, Nutrition, Food security.
Tuber crops have a higher biological efficiency and show the highest rate of dry matter production per day per unit area among all the crops. Roots and tubers are important diet components for humans and acknowledged world over with great potentials, foremost of which is its promise to offer food security to scores of millions of vulnerable resource limited people. Although these crops are generally associated with poverty, their prospects do not end with the poor. The developed world receives benefits from these crops, unknowingly because of the different forms by which they may be traded, e.g., starch, chips, frozen items, etc. Root crops are capable of efficient production of low cost calories under marginal soil conditions. They are very tolerant of stresses and play important roles in the diversified farming systems. As population pressure on the land increases, the importance of root crops has grown and hence they will play more vital roles in the regions food security.
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