Use of Social Media in Enhancing Farmer’s Satisfaction Level on Agricultural Extension Services: A Case Study of Farmers Club in Thoubal District, Manipur
Salam Prabin Singh*
Krishi Vigyan Kendra - Thoubal, Dept. of Agriculture, Manipur (795 138), India
S. Zeshmarani
Krishi Vigyan Kendra - Thoubal, Dept. of Agriculture, Manipur (795 138), India
N. Tomba Singh
Krishi Vigyan Kendra - Thoubal, Dept. of Agriculture, Manipur (795 138), India
Chuwang Hijam
Krishi Vigyan Kendra - Thoubal, Dept. of Agriculture, Manipur (795 138), India
R.K. Lembisana
Krishi Vigyan Kendra - Thoubal, Dept. of Agriculture, Manipur (795 138), India
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54083/ResBio/4.3.2022/102-107
Keywords: Agriculture, Extension Services, Information, Satisfaction level, Social media
Social media has become universal and practically inescapable, revolutionizing the way farmers communicate, interact and socialize; and has become an integral part of their social education through expressing opinion on varied issues. The agriculture sector is embracing social media and utilising it to increase knowledges of the farming and cropping management as well as interacting with others like agricultural professionals, Scientists, Subject Experts including research scholars. Social media tools can be viewed as social communication technologies in which opportunities of farmers’ feedback, interaction, and networking are much higher than other forms of extension information delivery. Besides all these opportunities provided by the social media, the farmers’ satisfaction level is also an important measures in dissemination of the information specially for agricultural extension and advisory services in order to improve the present communication system between farmers and the services provider. The present study sought to assess farmers’ satisfaction level towards agricultural extensions services by means of social media.
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