Vermicomposting for Efficient Recycling of Biowastes
Kaberi Mahanta*
Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat, Assam (785 013), India
D. J. Rajkhowa
ICAR- Research Complex for NEH Region, Medziphema, Nagaland (797 106), India
Manoj Kumar
ICAR- Research Complex for Eastern Region, RCM, Darbhanga, Bihar (846 005), India
H. Verma
ICAR- Research Complex for NEH Region, Medziphema, Nagaland (797 106), India
K. K. Rao
ICAR- Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar (800 014), India
Kirti Saurabh
ICAR- Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar (800 014), India
Keywords: Earthworms, Nutrient content, Organic manure, Soil health
Earthworms have been considered as ‘friend of the farmer’ since ancient times due to their role in ploughing the soil, decomposing organic residues and improving soil physico-chemical and biological health. Of late, much emphasis has been put on utilization of earthworm species for large scale production of quality organic manure within relatively shorter period (40-60 days). Huge bio-wastes generated in and around farm land, aquatic bodies, forests and other ecosystems could be converted into quality organic manure for improving soil health, reducing pollution, curtailing fertilizer costs and promoting organic farming. In this article, the technology of converting bio-waste into quality organic manure (vermicompost) is described along with their application methodology and associated details.
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Kumar, M., Rajkhowa, D.J., Mahanta, K., Verma, B.C., Choudhury, B.U., Rao, K.K., Saurabh, K., Rakshit, R., 2020. Biowaste utilisation for improving soil health and crop productivity in North Eastern India. Research Biotica 2(2), 44-49.
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Mahanta, K., Jha, D.K., Rajkhowa, D.J., Kumar, M., 2014. Isolation and evaluation of native cellulose degrading microorganisms for efficient bioconversion of weed biomass and rice straw. Journal of Environmental Biology 35(4), 721-725.
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