Water Chestnut: A Promising Crop for Enhancing Farm Income
B. R. Jana
ICAR-RCER, Research Centre for Makhana, Darbhanga, Bihar (846 005), India
Keywords: Income, Variety, Water Chestnut, Yield
Water chestnut is one of the most important aquatic nut crops grown in the freshwater wetland ecosystem in India. However, production of this is very low in India about 5 t ha-1. It is a nutrient dense fruit which is used as detoxifying agent. Water chestnuts are cholesterol and gluten free and water chestnuts are known to aid in curing jaundice and lowering blood pressure and a treasure trove of a wide range of macro and micro-nutrients. With the introduction of spineless cultivar and adopting new agro-techniques like, July plantation, use of FYM 5.0-8.0 t ha-1, use of inorganic fertilizer N:P:K @ 60:40:30 kg ha-1 and use of spacing of 1 m × 2 m for profit maximization even up to INR 1,90,000.00 ha-1 by selling fresh fruits.
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Jana, B.R., Bhatt B.P., Singh, I.S., Idris, Md., 2019. A study on commercial cultivation and storage of water chestnut (Trapa natans L.) under the wetland ecosystem of North Bihar, India. Journal of Applied and Natural Science 11(2), 528-533.
Singh, G.D., Bawa, A.S., Singh, S., Saxena, D.C., 2009. Physicochemical, pasting, thermal and morphological characteristics of Indian water chestnut (Trapa natans) starch. Starch Stärke 61, 35-42.