White Grubs
G. Sai Karthik*
Department of Entomology, Prof. Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University, Hyderabad (500030), Telangana, India
Vinod S Kukanur
International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics, Hyderabad (502324), Telangana, India
Keywords: White grubs, Phytophagous, Sugarcane, Groundnut
White grubs are polyphagous pests feeding on sugarcane, ground nut, potato etc. causing significant economic losses annually. They were included under five most destructive pests of India in 1956. Total number of species of white grubs ranged up to 1700 of which over 40 species are phytophagous. Here, we gave an overview on species diversity, nature of damage, life cycle and management of white grubs in India.
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Gupta B.D., Avasthy P.N., 1956. White grub attack on sugarcane. IISR Newsletter, 10: 4.
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