Integrated Approaches in Crop Simulation Modeling for Future Agriculture


  • S. Alagappan


Agro meteorological models, Crop simulation models, Data sets for models, Model simulation challenges


Crop simulation models in general Crop Simulation Models (CSM) are the “dynamic simulation of crop growth by numerical integration of crop growth by numerical integration of constituent process with the aid of computers” Crop Simulation Models (CSM) integrate current scientific knowledge from many different disciplines, including crop physiology, plant breeding, agronomy, agro meteorology, soil physics, soil chemistry, pathology and entomology. CSM used in crop management, water balance, climate change and impacts, Cropping Systems, Intercropping and spacing interactions, Land use studies, Soil impacts (erosion, acidity, organic matter, leaching), Crop adaptations and breeding. CSM is widely used in different countries on various applications in agriculture. Precision farming and organic farming crop yield prediction, yield monitoring, farming system design and implementation, weather data collection, validation and utilization are being systematically used in crop modelling.


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Author Biography

S. Alagappan

Dept. of Agronomy, The Indian Agriculture College (Affiliated to the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University), Raja Nagar,  Radhapuram, Tamil Nadu (627 111), India




How to Cite

Alagappan, S. 2020. Integrated Approaches in Crop Simulation Modeling for Future Agriculture. Biotica Research Today. 2, 11 (Nov. 2020), 1170–1173.



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