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| Research Article | 2025-03-09 17:52:27 | DOI: 10.54083/RB/2024/219 |

Determination of Slenderness Coefficient and Physiognomic Characteristics of Tree-Species in Kano Zoological Garden, Kano State of Nigeria

Authors: Dantani, A. | views: 50 | Get Access


This research was carried out to determine the slenderness coefficient and Physiognomic Characteristics of Tree Species in Kano Zoological Garden. The area was stratified in to four strata. Fourteen (14) temporary sample plots of size (30×30 m2) were laid at random covering all stratum. Trees with Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) ≥ 10cm were identified, measured and recorded. Individual trees were grouped in to species and families. The results revealed diameter class 21-40 exhibits the highest cumulative values for DB, DM, DT, TH, SLC, BA and SV indicating that trees within the 21-40 cm diameter range contribute the most to the overall size, height, slenderness, basal area and stem volume. Trees in the 81-100 cm diameter range have the lowest cumulative values, suggesting they are relatively smaller and contribute less to the overall forest dimensions. Height Class (21-30) recorded the highest values for all parameters indicating that trees in this height class have the largest diameters, slenderness coefficient, basal area and stem volume. SLC, BA and SV are significantly higher compared to other height classes. The 41-60 m height classes show lower values representing smaller or less mature trees. The "1-69 Low" trees have a slightly tapered but balanced form and more stable to wind-throw. The "70-99 Moderate" trees exhibit a more pronounced taper in their shape while the ">100 High" trees have a tall and slender form with a significant taper making them vulnerable to wind-throw compared to the moderate and low classes. Positive correlation was observed between all the variables with the exception of SLC which display negative relation with all the variables signifying inverse relationship.

How to cite

Dantani, A., 2024. Determination of Slenderness Coefficient and Physiognomic Characteristics of Tree-Species in Kano Zoological Garden, Kano State of Nigeria. Research Biotica, 2024, online first.