Effect of ZnO Nanoparticles on Karyomorphology and Biochemical Changes of Camellia sinensis
The present study deals with the detailed cytological investigation, which has been undertaken in C. sinensis to study the effect of ZnO nanoparticles on the karyotype of the plant. For the karyomorphological study, the tea plants were inoculated with ZnO Nano particle following standard protocol. It was found that the inoculation of ZnO Nano particle induced the formation of less asymmetrical karyotype than that of untreated plant. Hence, the plants treated with ZnO nanoparticles were primitive than that of untreated plants. Whatsoever, the treatment with nanoparticles didn’t had any negative impact. The ZnO nanoparticle inoculation has also resulted in production of higher amount of secondary metabolites. Thus the present study has revealed that nanoparticles can prove to be beneficial in breeding programme as they do not impose any negative impact on the plant and also have the potential to increase higher production of secondary metabolites in the plants which will be beneficial to health and also beneficial to plant growth.
Aim: To study the effect of ZnO nanoparticles on the karyomorphology and biochemical changes of Camellia sinensis
Methodology: Collection of the plant samples, Inoculation of the samples with nanoparticles, Karyomorphology and Biochemical studies
Results: Inoculation of nanoparticles induced less asymmetrical karyotype and enhanced the production of secondary metabolites
Interpretation: Inoculation of nanoparticles do not inflict any detrimental cytological changes and hence can be further used for cytological studies. The inoculation of nanoparticles also enhances the production of secondary metabolites; hence, the technology can be utilized for engineering novel Tea varieties which is otherwise difficult through conventional breeding techniques.
How to cite
Begum, T., Dutta, P., 2024. Effect of ZnO nanoparticles on karyomorphology and biochemical changes of Camellia sinensis. Plant Health Archives, 2024, online first.