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| Research Article | 2025-03-09 08:07:58 | DOI: 10.54083/RB/2024/228 |

Millet-based Ethnic Delicacies of Different Communities of Assam State: Preparation Methods and Significance


Millets are considered as coarse cereals and staple food of India, classified as major and minor millets. Finger millet, foxtail millet and proso millet are grown in Assam which arerich in protein, fats, dietary fiber and minerals. These millets have diversified high food value but consumption has been declined due to drudgery in preparation and lack of standardised processing techniques to compete with fine-cereals. Hence, to increase the utilization of small millets as popular food, emphasis must be given on documentation of different traditionally formulated millet-based food items, which are consumed by certain communities of Assam. Most of the traditional methods to cook food from millet by local people of the state are indigenous. The active nutri-ingredients and potent phyto-chemicals with promising nutritional and pharmacological properties present are yet to be explored and some are in pipeline. Keeping this in view, a total of 58 respondents were surveyed and found that there are 10 indigenous ethnic-food dishes which are frequently consumed by Santali community viz. Kode Dumbu, Belna Pitha, Sunum Pitha, Khapra Pitha, Kode Halwa, Kodu Pitha, Sukum Pitha, Ghula, Kodubhat, Kodu Khichri; 3 ethnic dishes prepared by Rajbonshi community viz., Kaunbhajibhat, Kaun Dhaprapitha, Kaunpayash and 6 traditionally formulated dishes are by Muslim community from Lower Assam valley zone viz. Kaunladoo, Kaunbhapasighara, Kaunakhoi/Khoi, Kaunhalwa, Kaunborpitha, Kaun Anarkali/ Chandrapuli, where different plant-parts, cereals, milk, fruits, nuts were incorporated to enhance its taste.

How to cite

Sarmah, P., Akhtar, S., Choudhury, K., 2024. Millet-based Ethnic Delicacies of Different Communities of Assam State: Preparation Methods and Significance. Research Biotica, 2024, online first.