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| Research Article | 2025-03-09 03:37:08 | DOI: 10.54083/RB/2024/229 |

Reduction of Chemical Potasic Source of Fertilizer by Integrating Potash Solubilising Bacteria in Sali Rice


Sali Rice is the principal crop of Udalguri district of Assam. The farmers here generally grow traditional varieties of Sali rice with traditional knowledge of only chemical fertilizer application. The reason of this practise has been identified as the poor knowledge about the new technologies by the farmers. Again, the cost of chemical potassic fertilizer is also very high. To overcome this menace, high integrated nutrient management of sali rice was demonstrated using biofertilizers viz. Potash solubilising bacteria.

In this regard, the present study entitled “Reduction of Chemical Potasic source of fertilizer by integrating Potash Solubilising Bacteria in Sali Rice” was conducted by Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Udalguri under Assam Agricultural University, Assam. The demonstrations were conducted at farmer’s field at different villages of Udalguri district during Kharif seasons of 2020-21 and 2021-22, to assess the impact of continuous use of inorganic fertilizers and organic nutrients on crop productivity, economics, soil fertility and plant health. From the experiment it was found that the use of INM package (100% NP of RDF + 50% K of RDF supplemented with 3.5 kg ha-1 KSB as K - Source) was superior over control in terms of growth and yield parameters resulting a grain yield of (46 and 45 q ha-1) in each years respectively, improved soil fertility status significantly.

How to cite

Ojah, I., Borah, D., Hafiz, A., Deka, P., Rabha, H., 2024. Reduction of Chemical Potasic Source of Fertilizer by Integrating Potash Solubilising Bacteria in Sali Rice. Research Biotica, 2024, online first.