Studies on Monitoring and Mass Trapping of Groundnut Leaf Miner Aproaerema modicella (Deventer) under Coastal Ecosystem
Monitoring studies conducted at Holangadde of Kumta taluk Uttara Kannada revealed maximum moth catch of groundnut leaf miner during 7th SMW with 70 moths trap-1 and significant positive correlation with minimum temperature was noticed. Mass trapping of moths with varied density of trap recorded maximum moth catch in 16 traps acre-1 (2819) installed field which was on par with treatment consisting of 12 traps acre-1 (2255). Treatment with 12 and 16 traps were superior with respect to yield (33.12 and 34.53 q ha-1) and lower defoliation (8.56 and 14.07%). Hence 12 traps acre-1 will be ideal with optimum trap density, higher moth catch and high yield.
How to cite
Anusha, M.U., Patil, R.S., 2024. Studies on monitoring and mass trapping of groundnut leaf miner Aproaerema modicella (Deventer) under coastal ecosystem. Plant Health Archives, 2024, online first.